Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Aaron and Hur Project

When Joshua, captain of the Israelite army, was in a battle with Amalek, we are told, in Exodus 17 that as long as Moses’ arms were held up Joshua saw success. When Moses grew tired and his arms dropped down, the opposing army would push back God’s people in defeat.
Moses was interceding with God on behalf of Joshua and the people of Israel. Moses had Aaron and Hur stand with him and hold up his arms that God would prevail. They held him up and Joshua and his army won the battle.
We need your help! Our arms are tired and the battle still wages. Our battle is indeed spiritual in nature. Students’ souls are being assaulted by an enemy whose goal is to kill, steal and destroy. He is determined to defeat us. It can show itself in fear and unbelief in my own heart. We also see it in our finances. Kristin and I need our own Aaron and Hur team to assist us in the battle! We need people who can stand beside us and lift us up.
We heartily encourage your prayer for us. We need people who will intercede in faith for us on behalf of our family, those with whom we work and the students with whom they share Christ and disciple. Please join with us in prayer.
On a more physical level, we need your financial partnership. Our monthly commitments are much less than what we need for wages and on top of that we have other ministry expenses (insurance, retirement, travel, student refreshments, conferences, etc.). We have done a pretty good job of keeping our expenses down (no car payments, very modest house payment and often found with a bag lunch). It is our monthly donations that are not where they need to be. We are asking people to consider partnering with us in the Aaron and Hur Project. Please pray to see if you can join us as a part of the Aaron and Hur Project at this time!
Each partner will participate as both on an intercessory and financial level.
We will send out prayer requests and answers to prayer that will help you know our needs and allow you to lift us up before the throne of God. Feel free to pray for us however God would lead you to pray in addition to what we communicate with you!
We are also asking this team to partner financially at least $1200 each year (whether monthly or in a single annual gift). At this time we have need for 20 such partners.

You can click on the link (Give to Livermores)at the side to partner with us. It is such a privilege to trust God with you to see students lives changed for all of eternity. We can't describe to you what it means for us to have you join with us in it!

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