Monday, February 1, 2010

Student Venture Michigan Fast Break!

The whole thing doesn’t begin much before midnight on Friday. It takes me away from home and family for four nights. It involves a great deal of time, coordination, hard work and money. The logistics and paperwork alone are pretty overwhelming. Why then you ask, do we create an event like the Michigan Fast Break Conference (Student Venture training conference for Great Lakes region high school students)?

Recently, students from four states packed up, got on a bus and drove into Kalamazoo, MI for the Martin Luther King weekend to participate in our annual student training conference. There were about 200 students who sang, prayed, learned and led. It is a lot of work, but as you will see in a few minutes the rewards are worth it!

I want to let those who attended FastBreak tell you about their experience in their own words!

"I'm not much for putting my thoughts on paper. But I'm so impressed with what these 2 Interns from Brush Valley are doing to make such an impact on these kids...Thanks for including me I have enjoyed every minute." Jim, drove school bus for the PA group

"...I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to come to FASTBREAK which has led to me surrendering my all to Him and Him giving me the strength to stand out from the crowd and express my love for Him and not have any second thoughts about making that decision…” Devin, Cyber School Senior

“I believe that God wants to use me to be a catalyst for prayer at our school. He wants me to pray and call others to pray. Eternity is impacted by prayer. It is God who changes lives and we need to see prayer as the way we hear His desires for us – let’s pray!” Melissa, Carmel Junior

"I was introduced to an AMAZING group of young adults-my desire was not really for a long bus ride, but
at the urging of the bus driver [her husband], I came. How refreshing to spend this time in the presence of the Lord & the "Children" (some of Christ's favorite people). I pray that they stay renewed and on fire-- at least until GETAWAY2010." Margie, volunteer

Day of outreach: We handed out “Boxes of Love” to people in government housing. The boxes contained food stuffs and other resources. The students also asked the residents to take a community survey with them. We then began to engage in a Spiritual conversation with those interested. This is how it went!

“At the Outreach we got to share the gospel with a woman at Interfaith Homes and she trusted Christ with us. It was amazing!” Carly, Carmel Senior

"Letting God work through me to the point where I feel I lost myself in the moment. And it worked with our group coming together. That woman wasn't helped...she saved me to the fullest point where I finally realized my place." Courtney, United Junior

“Jesus, we are so grateful that you take our hard work, our small steps of faith, and the other little bits we have to offer and turn them into beautiful pictures of transformed lives!”

Pretty amazing!

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